Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Living Off Soup and Juice

About a week ago I started to feel a little “tingle in my throat”-ohhh no!!  I knew all this feeling all too well!

Sure enough, the next day my throat was throbbing and horribly sore.  I made it through the school day, but left right away to rest. 

Saturday was very cold and rainy, and my sickness continued going down hill…fast and hard.  I was shaking a lot on Saturday night, despite having multiple layers of clothing on and two blankets covering me (not just my typical “Kim coldness”).  I suddenly was overcome with congestion and could not breathe laying down, so I had to sit upright to relieve some pressure.  I went to blow my nose and blood was pouring out (sorry for the TMI!)-making me more weak and achy. 

Sunday was a blur-so tired from not being able to sleep.  I continued to rest all day and try to get ready for a full week of teaching.  Unfortunately my body did not get the memo.

Monday I had slightly less congestion, but I did have moments of feeling overheated.  My mind was in a fog, but I had an observation that morning-greeeaaattt timing!! I tried to power through the best I could, knowing it wasn’t my best lesson, but it was my best effort with any remaining strength I had.  By the end of Monday, my voice was almost gone. One of my sweet students said, “Ms. Gabriel, why does your voice sounds weird.” 

Tuesday I did not even have my voice, I was tired, sick, and my emotions started to get the best of me!  I wanted to be in the classroom, but fully present!  I felt like a useless body walking around unable to really engage and teach the kids.  My cooperating teacher taught math for me, so I could attempt to teach in the afternoon.  I did, but it was so hard to manage a room of six year olds without a voice.  I was so thankful for our morning classroom aid who made me an AMAZING soup-so hearty and delicious! 

Today (Wednesday), my voice is still non-existent, but for the first time in 6 days I actually have SOME energy!!! A good sign, right?!!  I’m still going to rest for another day or 2, but hopefully by this weekend I will be healthy again.  Then I can enjoy and be fully present for my LAST week and a half of school here! 

…But for right now, it’s time for more SOUP AND JUICE!!


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