About Me

Welcome to (Kim)spiration!

My name is Kim and I began writing this blog during my student teaching experience in Quito, Ecuador.  I have ALWAYS wanted to be an educator, and it is more than a career, it is a passion and a calling.  Combining my love for Spanish language and culture with education, I currently work as the Teacher Support Coordinator for international teachers here in Florida.

 I also have many other interest and passions.  First of all, I LOVE LOVE LOOOVVVEEE Pink!! Anthing with sparkles and ruffles catches my eye instantly.  I love to bake, cook, shop, and enjoy the occasional mani-pedi!  I am the definition of a girly-girl!

On the flip side, I have been an athlete for as long as I can remember.  As a kid I played EVERY sport possible: gymnastics, tennis, volleyball, basketball, softball.  In high school I was on the swim and badminton teams (competing at the state level), and at Asbury University I continued my swimming career and pursued triathlon as well.  Most recently I have been competing in triathlons including Ironman Los Cabos in the Fall of 2016.  I also compete in marathons and had the honor of running in the Boston Marathon in the spring of 2017 and 2019.

After growing up in Chicago until I was 20 years old, I now live in Palm Beach Gardens, FL (best move EVER!!).  I love the sunshine and the warmth that FL life provides...and YES you can ALWAYS find me with my trusted Starbucks sidekick ;)

As much as all these things are a part of my life, NONE of them define who I am.  My identity comes from who I am because of what JESUS has done for me.  My purpose in life is not to become the best "me" I can be, it is to grow in Christ-likeness.  I am committed to my savior and rely on his strength and grace through all circumstances.  I am not perfect, and I don't claim to be-BUT His grace is enough because of His death on the cross.

Feel free to contact me anytime with questions or comments.  I hope you enjoy life's journey with me!

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