Wednesday, June 1, 2016

The Wipeout

Does anyone remember the show that used to be on ABC called “Wipeout.”  I used to LOVE that show and wanted to be in it (I also remember calling my swim coach “the motivator”-who on Wipeout would start to walk behind the contestants so they would continue on the course and not wait so long! hahaha)

Well, I guess I didn’t need to be on the show because I got to have my very own wipeout this past weekend while riding my bike Lu (short for Lucy).

It all started on Friday night when Dad’s biking buddy canceled after having a biking accident of his own.  He’s been wanting to bike around lake Okeechobee and mom (not wanting him to be alone) decided that she would drive the van as his support vehicle.  Reluctantly I agreed to join the family adventure…not knowing what I was getting myself into. 

At 6:15 AM (ON A SATURDAY PEOPLE!), my alarm went off and I quickly got my jersey and shorts on.  I headed to the fridge and pulled out my bottles with infinit that I had prepared the night before.  Soon I was ready to go. 

At 7:30, we arrived at our starting point, and quickly mounted the bikes to begin.  I told dad that my effort needed to be light and relaxed (but consistent), so I was to go first and set pace.  Before 7:37 I would be on the ground.

A little more than a mile into the ride, I started finding my rhythm.  A couple gear shifts to get the cadence where it needed to be, but that’s about it.  Then I looked up and saw 2 railroad tracks that would be intercepting our path on the road.  In about five seconds I was crossing the first one and just about to cross the second ooneee…


About two seconds of realizing my tires were stuck in the tracks was followed by hitting the ground and sliding on the concrete.  Once I stopped, I just lay there on my left side…looking down at the fresh cuts as the blood started to stream down my leg.

 Stunned for a few seconds….

“That’s so NOT pretty,” I thought.  Hahaha typical Kim and her vanity that always creeps into her triathlon endeavors ;)

I slowly got up assessing how I felt and checked for Lu’s injuries.  Fortunately she was ok too.  I knew that we would not see mom for about 2 more hours (about 40 miles from now), so I just hopped back on and rode. Some of the battle scars:

I mean, it was hurting…especially when the salty sweat dripped into the fresh wounds…but it was tolerable.  The real pain/soreness came the next few days as I woke up and struggled to bend down and such.  I FEEL SO OLD haha! 

To “finish it off,” Sunday I got a Tdap shot to ensure that I would not get sick from anything that could have entered the wounds-especially since I fell on the road with lots of debris and such.  At least now I can get stronger and keep healing, so hopefully I’ll feel and look brand new soon! (I know I look normal when people stop asking “what happened?”  which HAS NOT happened yet.  Maybe when I stop wearing bandages everywhere. 

Moral of the wipeout:  Perpendicular…Always ride perpendicular to the railroad tracks. 

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