Wednesday, October 21, 2015

My Typical Day in Quito

I’ve been here almost 2 weeks now, and I’ve gotten into a pretty regular routine.  

6:45 Wake up (5:45 if I do morning run)
7:20 Eat breakfast (Apple, eggs, or oatmeal)
7:40 Arrive at School-literally 1 minute walk from dorm to school
7:45-12 Teach my first grade munchkins. My name is either: ummmmm (my personal favorite haha!), Mrs. Teacher, Mrs. Gabriel, Ms. Gabriella…pretty much anything! Unfortunately, now I’ve been accidently calling MYSELF Mrs. Gabriel-oops!

My very first teacher desk!!

12:00-12:30 Lunch (usually a salad with fruit and coffee)

Might look boring, but the produce here will rock your socks off!

12:30-3:30 More teaching…err…trying to keep control of the crazy little ones hehe ;)
3:30-3:45 Leave school-it is always down-pouring rain at this time (yay for rainy season)
4:00-5:30 Lesson planning or afternoon run/workout
6:00-7:00 Eat dinner somewhere in here (Menu: Rice, rice, and Rice haha! But on a serious note: it IS a good think I like rice!)
7:00-9:00 Finish lesson planning, watch Netflix, and relax with HOT tea because I am always freezing!!
9:00-9:30 get ready for bed

10:00 SLEEP!

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