Wednesday, October 28, 2015

NEVER say “never”

…NO, not the song from JB!

(Justine-If you’re reading this you will appreciate this JB reference haha!!)

Have you ever thought about this statement and filled it in with a specific thing. For example…
            God, you’ll know I love you if I serve you in a COLD place.

The statement above would be a hard thing that God could ask me to do.
I think as humans, our minds are wired to detect threats and fear the unknown as we make decisions and go certain directions in life.  This may be natural, but as Christians, this cannot be the only thing that guides our journey in life.  We must be sensitive to the spirit’s calling, despite perceived danger (or sacrifices that need to be made). 

When people ask me where I want to end up teaching, I say, “I have no idea.”  And I am completely at peace with that response.  If I start to set my heart on something and make plans right now, then how will I be allowing God to lead me?  I wouldn’t be!!

I usually follow up “I have no idea” by saying that 3 years ago, if you would have told me that I would be spending my summers in FL living with my parents in a house with a pool, I would have laughed in your face!  Now, FL is a place I would TOTALLY consider living after graduation! (I’ve tasted the good life-I never knew that I didn’t have to be cold All. The. Time.)

Seeing our FL home for the first time-I've never been this pasty white since!

I’ve never been in a rush to finish any stage of my life.  As a high school senior, I was completely content to stay in High School, but I was also anticipating college with some excitement too.  I was ready to move on, but not trying to wish it all away by waiting for the next step in life.  I am not in a rush to figure things out after graduation, nor am I anxious about big decisions that will be made after.  Worrying will not help, so what’s the point in being anxious?!

When it comes to teaching, people also ask me what grade I want to teach-like I have a choice-wishful thinking haha!  To this, I say, “Well, if I tell you that I will never be a kindergarten teacher, I  know that is where I’ll end up!  After all, God has a funny sense of humor.”  Then I usually joke again and say, “God, please hear me out when I say I would llloooovvveee to teach kindergarten!” 

So, as I try to keep my heart open, I constantly remind myself:

Never Say “never!”

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