Saturday, October 31, 2015

Well That’s…Different!

News flash!!! Ecuador is NOT the United States!! Crazy, right?!
(Haha! Sorry for the sarcasm, but I couldn’t help it!)

Here are a few differences that kind of caught me off guard:

1. Things at the grocery store are not in the same place (the stores are called Supermaxi and Megamaxi).  After being convinced that the store didn’t sell certain items, someone alerted me to this information haha! Somehow the Peanut butter is next to the margarine, while the nutella is next to jelly.  Oatmeal is not next to cereal, but is next to sugar and rice.  (and PB is sooo expensive here-not happy!)

2. When greeting people (anyone, even an acquaintance) you need to side hug and air kiss.  This made me a little uncomfortable at first, but now I am used to it. 

3. Random animals can be found in the park and made into house pets.  Example “A” meet “Fluffy” our new temporary chicken guest!  It was found at the park and did not have a home and was shivering, so we rescued him.  His name is not really “Fluffy,” but I forgot his real name so “Fluffy” will have to do for now ;)
Such a cute little guy!! 

4. “Volcano Eruption Evacuation” is a REAL THING!  I have no idea how I entered a country without looking into some important information.  If “Cotopaxi” (they even have names like hurricanes do) blows, we are IN SOME SERIOUS TROUBLE.  Stranded in lots of ash for days!! On a side note, training for Volcano eruption with staff here was so much fun!!

5. No flushing toilet paper down the toilet-not much else to say haha!

6. The coffee here is TERRIBLE.  This is the saddest thing ever! I was looking forward to some great coffee on a daily basis, but I have to walk a mile to get a good…errr decent Cup O’ Joe.  I’m glad I know Spanish and can ask for my “Café negro sin azucar o leche”   (black coffee without sugar or milk). Apparently they export all the good stuff L I’m probably going to hit the Starbucks pretty hard when I return-coffee coma here I come!!

No shortage of "Starbucks selfies" haha!

7.  Pedestrians do NOT have the right of way!! Unless you want to become a human pancake, WATCH out while crossing the street! 

I’m sure this is only the beginning of the differences that I will continue to encounter!

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