Saturday, April 7, 2018

18 Thoughts You Have During a Marathon...

I’ve only done three marathons…but every time I realize how crazy your thoughts can be during the race.  No matter how focused you are, they pop up out of nowhere.  And the timeline is pretty similar (hint: miles 18-22 are ALWAYS the most miserable). Here’s basically the mental timeline of the race (at least for me---but you other racers can probably relate haha).  

PS-this is my racing motto haha!  But seriously, something about signing up 4 days before a race is my key to success ;)  Plus JUST RUNNING a lot in FL can totally be considered training because it is SO FREAKING hot and humid! 

Ok, so when it comes to the race, it really begins when you first look at the weather report and start to decide what you are going to wear.  In FL it is easy--less-ALWAYS! Wear the least amount of clothes that's socially acceptable ;)   SO when you're actually in a different climate it is especially hard to decide what to wear.  In my last race I started with a fleece headband and THREW it away in mile 7 because I was warm enough and it was "dead weight" haha!


Miles 1-5: Everything feels great and you are LOVING life.  Legs are fresh. Adrenaline from starting line is still there.  The future looks bright. You got this!

Miles 6-7:  Ok, pace has started to even out.  Hope I didn’t go out to fast…well maybe I did…no I think I held back enough. This pace seems good. Just keep this up. You’re doing great.

Miles 7-10: Getting closer to double digits.  Legs still fresh. Look at me go! You’re doing great-keep this pace.  You’re fine. Life is fine!

Miles 10-12: Almost halfway there. ONLY halfway? Man I think I  should feel a little better at this point.  Hill? Grrr…STOP. You eat hills for breakfast.  I got this. Stay focused.  You’re still keeping pace. KEEP going. It’s fine. Life is fine!

Mile 13: Woooo hooo! Halfway. OHMYGOSH you mean I have to run that far again?!  Oh, and thanks for taking us to the finish line and sending us out on another loop. Cruel and unusual punishment.

Mile 14-16: Still feeling ok…I mean not great, but this is  going to happen.  I am tough.  I am strong.

Mile 17: LESS than 10 miles to go. I CAN DO THIS!

Mile 18:  Gahhhh this hurts.

Mile 19: Lord please make the pain stop.

Mile 20: I signed up for this?! WHAT is wrong with me?  I PAID to endure this torture.  I am seriously messed up…MESSED UP! 

Mile: 21: Don’t you dare tell me I am almost there. FALSE.  You trade places with me and THEN tell me I’m almost there. 

Mile 22: Yep..

Mile 23: Only three miles…math…Ok if I run 3 miles at a 10 minute pace I will STILL break 3:30. I can do that.  I can totally do that.

Mile 24: Ohhhh I love this song….(dancing while running…) THAT’s right people. I’m smiling and I’m loving life again (my current "jams" are Say Something by Justin Timberlake, Idea of Her by Whitney Woerz, and Can't Stop by One Republic!)

Mile 25:  Only 1 mile left..  Only 0.99 miles…only 0.98 miles…(trying not to run and look pathetic..but failing..)

Mile 26:  WHY AREN’T I at the FINISH LINE??!! … ohhhh yeah.  0.2!!!! It’s 26.2!!!   FINISH LINE WHERE ARE YOUUUUU?!

(Mile 26.2---on YOUR Garmin): Look at my watch people! I AM DONE!!! DONE you hear me?!  You measured wrong and now I have to suffer the consequences?!

Mile 26.2 (according to the race—usually 26.4 on YOUR Garmin): PRAISE GOD I am ALIVE!! Awww look at all the cheerleaders! Straighten your racing belt Kim, time for pretty finish, SMILE :D

Ten seconds after you finish:  Water!! YAY!   Whoa...I’m kinda dizzy.  Medal! YAY! Whoa…I’m kinda dizzy.

Ten minutes after you finish: I’m never doing that AGAIN!

Ten hours later:  Ehhh not that hard…can’t wait for the next race!

Yep, already looking forward to another Boston...Yet the actual running part of the Boston marathon is terrible because those dang hills are awful...but hey, it's all about the hardware right?!  

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