Saturday, November 14, 2015


What did I do???!!!


...With REAL PAINT!  

 ...And it went GREAT!!

I never knew this was even a possibility.  I cringed while planning this lesson, but I decided to just go for it anyway (as an athlete I've become great at putting my feelings-physical and mental-aside and "just do" even if it's crazy).  Student teaching is a time for me to learn and try new and sometimes challenging things, so I might as well be a little crazy while I still have these training wheels, right?!

I am teaching the students about the weather and seasons-specifically FALL, so I had them trace their hands/arms for the tree trunk and branches and use Q-tips to put dots on for the leaves. I covered the tables with packing paper for easy clean up, but it all went surprisingly well (which means NO paint ended up on the kids’ clothing or floor.  WOW!!)

Each tree is so very different-much like each unique student!

A few other “teacher notes from the week”

1.  My name has always been hard for the kids to say-I don’t really know why, but it has been teacher, Mrs., Mrs. Gabriel, Mrs. Gabriella, and The newest one (thanks to one of my little cuties) is Mrs. GARBRAL!! HAHAHAHA! I think that I will ask every student to tell me my name and those who get it RIGHT will get to clip up! I was also called “mom” on accident haha-the sad thing is that MY MOM has accidently called me “mom” before too!

2. THE FIRST loves notes I’ve received come from 6 year olds ;) I got a few “love notes” from my students-SOOOO CUTE (see: I’m Mrs. Gabriel haha)!! It touches my heart to receive these small little things from my students!  My heart is so full!

I'm even wearing PINK in the drawing!! 

On the flip side of #2:

3.  I made a student cry for the first time this week.  There were some issues between 2 students at their table.  After they BOTH came and tattled (complained about the other person), I told them that they need to stop talking to each other or ignore each other and if I heard one more thing about the other person, then one of them would have to sit alone at this table in the room.  Of course, there were MORE issues, so I told a student to go sit at the table to finish her work. She started telling me it was not her fault (it never is haha!) and I said I didn’t care, she either moves in five seconds or can “clip down.”  She chose to move, but not without tears!  Teacher initiation for me!

4.  Since my voice was not existent, we had some different motivational things for the class to listen extra hard to me.  On Thursday, I told them that if I gave them 5 check marks on the board for good listening, then they would have 10 minutes of recess at the end of the day.  With one class left (Bible) they had 4 check marks.  After Bible I said, “I don’t know if I’m going to give you all another check mark” and the students went DEAD SILENT.  I held the marker 5 inches from the board just to add to the suspense (Ha, I was totally milking it for all its worth!!).  I suddenly made the mark on the board and instantly the class yelled “YYYEEEEEAAAHHH”  (in complete unison).  I don’t think I’ve ever made so many 6 year olds so happy!!!

Next week will be another FULL week of teaching-EVERY.SINGLE.SUBJECT!

Please pray that I would do well and continue to grow as a teacher in this placement! (Especially with my upcoming observations!!)

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