Saturday, November 21, 2015

Three Things You DON’T Want To Be!

I’ve said this before, and my thought today remains the same.

When traveling abroad, the 3 things you don’t want to be are:
1. American
2. Single/Alone
3. Female

I like to think of myself as a fairly independent person.  I value time by myself, especially after a full day with lovely (albeit very rambunctious) children.  I need to unwind alone to relax by doing everyday activities such as grocery shopping, running various errands, and running/working out.  These things help my mind put stress aside.

During trips abroad to Guatemala, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and now Ecuador, my independent every-day life has changed drastically.  My CONSTANT thought is: “who is a threat” and “who wants to rob me.”  Yes, I know these are negative thoughts, but as a white/American female traveling alone, I know that realistically I am in a vulnerable position.  I was terrified to leave the gates of the school and dorm building for the first few days I was in Quito.  The fear of “the real world” was overwhelming.  I feel somewhat restricted by not bringing my purse, but instead stuffing money in my shirt and only going out in daylight in crowded areas.  I miss going for a run without constantly checking my surroundings.  I miss carrying my phone with me and making phone calls while in public.  I miss not having to purposefully choose baggy/neutral clothing hoping to deter unwanted attention, but still somehow manage to get honked at and a few “Que guapa, eres linda” with an occasional whistle.  I guess no matter what I wear, I am still a Gringa!

The dorm building-leave at your own risk!

This is probably the hardest thing about being abroad for me.  Besides Starbucks, I also crave the feeling of safety and knowing my surroundings.  Without feeling safe, I loose a large chunk of my freedom. 

Surrounded by unfamiliar streets!
My home city of Chicago!  I miss knowing what's going on and where I am!

How do I deal with this??

Well, nothing completely fixes the problem, but I just try to be smart and keep on living day to day without constant fear.  Fear is crippling, and in reality:
That’s right folks, if you are alive, you are in danger too!  So, apart from being smart (not going out at night, etc.), I just choose to live and go on day-to-day, praying God will keep me safe.  Please continue to pray that he will protect me as I am here!

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