Sunday, February 28, 2016

My Random Theories

Ok, so I think it’s about time to have a random post.

Over the years I’ve come up with a few “theories” of my own ON LIFE.   Nothing specific-just some random ideas I've consistently had.  If you know me pretty well, then I’m sure some of these will NOT come as a surprise.  I know some  might sound crazy, but if they weren't crazy, then they would be created yours truly!  So read and enjoy… and DON’T JUDGE! Here we go!! 

1)  Cereal goes with ANYTHING
I have NEVER met a food that did not taste good with cereal.  Don’t ask me to choose a favorite-I refuse to pick JUST ONE!! (I may have a current favorite-right now it’s cinnamon chex).  Cereal is perfect dry, with milk, with cottage cheese, with almond butter, the list goes on….  Feel free to get creative with any combination.  YOU CAN’T GO WRONG!

2) A Man Is Officially Bald If His “Bald-Spot” Meets His Hairline
This one’s for you Daddy (poor dad, we always give him a hard time about his hair loss).  I tell him his days are numbered as his hairline is moving closer and closer to his bald-spot. 

3) Colors DO NOT Have Genders
Pink is a color that EVERYONE can enjoy!  I had this discussion with a second grader once when he told me that pink is a girl’s color!  I was like, as YOUR TEACHER I’m going to set you straight!  I told him that pink is a color for EVERYONE-not just girls!

4) Tough GIRLS and Guys Wear Pink
While we’re on the color topic: the power of pink is real people!  Training in pink or with pink nails helps me push through.  The other day the lifeguard at the pool commented on my large pink tote I brought with all my swim stuff.  It was stuffed to max and he mentioned that I need a bigger sports bag.  I was like, “yeah, but another bag wouldn’t be as cute…duh!!”

5) Bunk-Beds Are Perfect For Married Couples
Ok, so I totally admit that I have NO PERSONAL experience with this one, and that’s why it is a THEORY!  BUT I believe in sleep.  “Quality over quantity” (I’d rather be up less hours in the day but be fully awake/present when I am up).  Marriage should not mean a sacrifice in sleep-at least it better not for me.  I do not sleep well when I share a bed, therefore separate beds are the way to go!  I'm not a pleasant person when I don't have sleep(...or coffee!).  I’m sure you’re thinking “Good luck finding a husband Kim” and to that I answer “I’m in no rush!” 

6)  Growing Up In a Cold Climate DOES NOT make you USED TO the Cold-You Just Get USED TO Complaining About It
If I got a dollar for every time I have said this….
Yes, I am from Chicago.  Yes, I AM STILL FREEZING!!  How did I survive you ask?  Well, it wasn’t easy.  I would just run from the car to the building every time I had to be outside.  (Maybe was the start of my running career?!)

7)  Sharks Want To Attack People…And They Can Be Found Anywhere
Two years ago I watched “When Sharks Attack.” Sharks that develop a taste for humans are called ROGUE sharks (go ahead, LOOK IT UP!).  That’s right people, they WANT to eat you because you are TASTY!  Also, lakes cannot be trusted to be “shark-free.”  Just think about this: One day a ship is carrying a shark across the lake to be in a new aquarium…but escapes!!!....Now it lives in the LAKE!  It COULD happen-just saying!

8) Depends Underwear Is Not Just For Incontinence Anymore-It Can Be Used To Prevent Car Trip Pit-Stops
I know you probably think I am INSANE at this point, but I TOTALLY want to try this sometime!  My mom and I have talked about our “road trip” inventions (during our 20+ hour trips to Chi)-one of them is a sign that you change on the back of your car that says things like "Move over slowpoke!"   I really have no idea how THIS idea came to my mind!  Oh yeah, now I remember!-Mom and I were watching "Shark Tank!"  Picture this: You’re in the car for hours and you need to stop to pee-AGAIN.  Instead of having to stop-AGAIN, just pee in your depends underwear!  ‘Nuff said!  No I am not on drugs! I’m just tired of having to stop a bajillion times on my 12 hour+ road trips.  And, I guess I’m kind of used to this kind of thing…Peeing in my wetsuit, peeing on the bike...After a race, I have literally sat on the curb and peed (Hey, I'm too tired to look for the potty!...and I'm covered in sweat and gatorade anyway so no one even notices!). I know, this is totally TMI, but now you REALLY get to understand and appreciate all that triathletes do!)

I don’t think anything else can be written after the last one…

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